Dave Hershberger built this incredible vehicle for the Arcata to Ferndale World Championship Kinetic Sculpture Race. It's called Unwheeldy. The cockpit area also serves as a boat for the aquatic portion of the event. Dave says that Christy Cantrell's 5K sculpture (below) inspired him to build Unwheeldy. It wasn't until after he started building, that he learned about Bob Durst's impressive Killer Tomato, which is similar. To learn more about the construction of Unwheeldy, visit Dave's site.

This photo was taken by Dave's friend Tom Jones who has a bunch more photos and an excellent race report posted here.

Chicken of the Sea

This is Christy Cantrell riding Chickinetic in a kinetic sculpture race. That sculpture was built by Meissner Filtration Products in Camarillo, CA. Originally, it was a Triceratops. Then, Christy converted it into a chicken. According to the latest reports it is currently dressed up as a swan. The "vehicle" below is called Khristy Kantrell's Kinetic Kaleidoscope Kar (5K). As you can see, it doesn't actually use any bicycle components. Christy sets an example as someone who despite having little knowledge of engineering, bike repair, or welding has still joined in the fun. She encourages others to do the same.

Khristy Kantrell's Kinetic Kaleidoscope Kar

Mike Watson is at it again with this creation he calls the Long Bent.

Long Bent