Andreas Prothmann built this LWB recumbent. The bike was built from a 24" mountain bike (rear frame and head tube for the handle bar) and a small 16" childrens bike (front fork and head tube) and the crankset is from a twelve speed bike that his father was going to toss out. All welded to a piece of 2x2 mild steel. As all he has to join metal to metal is an arc welder, he used that to weld the whole thing together, vapourizing a bunch of bike steel before he found the right combination of electrode/amp setting and technique that worked. He claims that his welding skills are next to non-existant and keeps waiting for the resounding "SNAP" as one of his critical welds goes south on him. He's put only about 60km on it with no breakage yet. He says it's the most fun he's had riding a bike. It is comfortable (suspension will be featured on the next one) and it handles well even though it has a wheelbase of 83".