Installing BikeCAD Pro on Mac OS (Outdated instructions)

To install BikeCAD Pro on a Mac:

First, unzip the file in which BikeCAD Pro was distributed to you. This will produce a folder containing the latest version of BikeCAD Pro. Place this folder somewhere safe where it will not get deleted or moved. Inside this folder, you will find the BikeCAD Pro icon. You can drag this icon down to your dock for quickly launching BikeCAD in the future.

If BikeCAD does not run at this point, then you may need to use the Software Update feature (available on the Apple menu) to check that you have the most up-to-date version of Java for your Mac.

The process for installing BikeCAD Pro on a Mac is summarized in the following video:

If you are having trouble running the Mac version, the first thing to investigate is that all the files that were unzipped from the initially downloaded file are all still in place. It is very important to leave all these files in the same arrangement they were when you unzipped them. For example, you should have a folder called BikeCAD Pro 9.0. Inside that folder you should have a folder called configuration, an executable Jar File called bikeCADPro.jar and an icon called BikeCAD Pro 9.0. The main folder called BikeCAD Pro 9.0 can be moved to a safe location that is out of the way. However, when it is moved, everything inside it needs to move with it. The icon can be dragged down to your "dock" but only after the main folder BikeCAD Pro 9.0 has been placed in its final location.

There are two versions of BikeCAD available for Macs. If you are running Mac OS 10.7.5 or higher, you should be able to run the code signed version of BikeCAD for the Mac. If you are running an older Mac OS, there is another version of BikeCAD for older Macs. If you have a particularly old Mac OS, you may also want to try the Linux version of BikeCAD.

By default, BikeCAD will use the Mac look and feel on OSX. You may prefer the Metal look and feel. For info on changing the look and feel, see:

For info on using BikeCAD on Mac OS Big Sur, see: