Archive for February, 2011

BikeCAD Version 7.0

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

BikeCAD Version 7.0 has finally arrived! Here’s a video describing some of the new features.

New features include enhanced paint controls and color palettes, the option to curve tubes, the ability to save and retrieve components, an improved Fit Advisor interface and much more.

We’re on our way to Austin. Come see BikeCAD in action at the Bicycle Forest booth #905 at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show. I’ll also be doing a seminar on BikeCAD on Saturday February 26th, at 11:45am.

In keeping with my policy of providing free updates of the program, I’ve e-mailed all BikeCAD customers with the links to download BikeCAD Pro 7.0. If you have not received my e-mail, please let me know and I’ll send out another e-mail ASAP.

Sam Whittingham in the News

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Here’s a nice news piece about Sam Whittingham of Naked Bicycles and Design. I always get a kick out of seeing the BikeCAD drawings on the walls of Sam’s shop. It makes me feel like I’m playing a small part in the amazing bikes he creates.

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