Archive for February, 2008

29ers are so last year

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

Amazon Blonde 36er

I met Aaron Pidde of Blonde Fabrication at NAHBS in San Jose last year. Aaron would have been exhibiting this year had he not broken his hip a few months ago. He still came out to check out the show though. He showed me this crazy bike that he designed on BikeCAD Pro. I got a kick out of it, so I thought I’d post these photos. The bike is called the Amazon Blonde 36er and it has a pair of TA 4 ply 36 X 2 ΒΌ tires mounted to 36″ Airfoil double wall aluminum rims. At first, I assumed that this was purely a novelty bike and that no one would actually race on such a beast, but Aaron has actually raced it a fair bit. Apparently, it works really well. Too cool!

I think the photo below is hilarious. That 36er sure looks huge next to a normal 26″ mountain bike.

Amazon Blonde 36er

Treadmill Bike on Lenny Henry TV

Monday, February 18th, 2008
The following clip is from the Lenny Henry Show in the UK. I think Lenny Henry is simply in denial about his obvious desire for a Treadmill Bike.

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