Archive for October, 2006

Finally Finished Pimping My Rhoades Car

Monday, October 30th, 2006
Well this project has certainly drawn on long enough. I have finally finished pimping my Rhoades Car. I am now one with my Stanley MR100CG Heavy Duty Riveter. I also have a new appreciation for that magical mucilage known as Bondo. Here’s a 360° view of the completed pickup truck. The first major excursion for this new bike will likely be the Santa Claus Parade on November 19th.

Until then…

360 degree view of Pickup truck bike

Treadmill Bike on Japanese TV

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006
The Treadmill Bike was just featured on the Japanese TV show Mankan Zenseki. In case you can make out the words that Natasha is saying at the end, I should clarify that we did not write that script!

Looks like we better start ramping up production. Demand from Asia could be immense.


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